The Scent of Election
A Federal election looks set to be sooner rather than later as our economic woes build momentum.

Exploding Transatlanticism
If values are not shared, geography will dictate more detached foreign policy.

The Winds of Change
A blunt message from the US Vice President has signalled the winds of change are sweeping the world.

Weekend Open Forum
Yippee! It's the weekend and here's the place to kick back with some good conversation.
Another UniParty Stitchup
More of your money will flow to the UniParty as they try to entrench their political power.
Watch & Listen

Paging the Operators of Terror
The world said goodbye to a bunch of terrorists and jihadis via one of the most impressive covert operations imaginable.

Finally, Some Value in Their ABC
After years of ignoring their biased and distorted view on politics and world affairs, their ABC finally broadcast something very powerful and insightful.

The Dishonest Media
It's impossible to reconcile the reporting of yesteryear with what passes as mainstream media news today.
Politics & Current Affairs

The Winds of Change
A blunt message from the US Vice President has signalled the winds of change are sweeping the world.
Another UniParty Stitchup
More of your money will flow to the UniParty as they try to entrench their political power.

Krudd to Go?
Is Kevin Rudd set to be dumped as Australia's Ambassador to the United States?
The Torture of Their ABC
It's been a long time since I tuned in to their ABC. After a forced aural exposure yesterday, the absence hasn't been long enough!
Health & Wellbeing

Health is True Wealth
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, which is age-old wisdom that applies to many aspects of life. It's particularly pertinent to good health

Beware the New Plague
There's a new plague befalling the world that promises to be even worse than COVID. At least, that's what the authorities would have you believe. I'm calling BS.
The Lucky Country or a Depressed Nation?
How did it get to the point that one in seven Australians take anti-depressant medication?

From Vaccines to Vaping
Fresh from fronting the COVID vaccines are safe and effective campaign, Dr Karl is now being used on another 'public health push'.
Business & Wealth Building
More Business & Wealth BuildingReviews & Recommends

The Richest Man in Babylon
The Richest Man in Babylon, a personal finance classic by George S. Clason, offers invaluable lessons on wealth creation and preservation.

The Power of Preply
Language learning has made a giant and affordable leap forward thanks to the power of technology connecting students with personal tutors.

The Unconventional Wisdom of Felix Dennis
Have you ever wondered what it takes to become wealthy beyond your wildest dreams? The late Felix Dennis offers some unconventional wisdom.

The Conservative Revolution
Download a FREE copy of Cory's top selling book The Conservative Revolution.