Beware the New Plague
There's a new plague befalling the world that promises to be even worse than COVID. At least, that's what the authorities would have you believe. I'm calling BS.
The new plague is descending upon us.
This time, it's the dreaded Monkeypox, which was previously mostly confined to bathhouses and afflicted the people who did sordid things in them.
It has all the hallmarks of a newly engineered pandemic designed to infringe on your freedom and autonomy.
The corrupt and dishonest World Health Authority (WHO) has declared Monkeypox a 'global health emergency' as it is 'airborne' and can cause 'death or illness'.
There's even been an unofficial directive not to refer to it as Monkeypox because that carries the stigma of those who have it.
Instead, the media are now all in on the less racist term, Mpox.
They've tried the Monkeypox alarmism before, as recently as a year or so ago.
Back then, the official confected alarmism stopped when it was revealed that homosexuals had passed it on to children in their care.
That was all a bit much to explain so the planned pandemic was put on hold until a new narrative could be developed.
And here's some of the propaganda designed to make you fearful of catching this illness without visiting a sordid bathhouse.
But it get's even more alarming than that. According to the Queensland Health website, the Monkeypox is remarkably similar to shingles. Here's some pics:
How frightful! Gosh I hope the've got a vaccine to keep me safe.
Well, what a coincidence, as a matter of fact they do. If you fell for the last pandemic shots, I'd suggest you don't fall into this one. It's likely to be very bad for your health.