Confidential Weekly

Here's your weekly roundup of what was published on the Confidential website this week.

Here's your weekly roundup of what was published on the Confidential website this week.

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Weekend Open Forum
As legendary UFC ring announcer, Bruce Buffer would say, “Iiiiiiits Tiiiiime”. This is the home of the Confidential conversation.
How To Be Healthy: 8 Tips for Healthy Living
We can achieve long-term wellness by adopting a holistic approach and incorporating small, sustainable changes into our daily routines.
A Lemon of an Interview
The entitled leftist Don Lemon, fired from CNN, demonstrated his intellect and professionalism during an interview with Elon Musk. It wasn’t good for Mr Lemon.
Start Your Dynasty
Here’s an interesting conversation with the scion of one of Europe’s oldest dynasties. There’s good lessons here for all of us non-aristocrats.

A Bloodbath in Confidence
The corruption of the media has been exposed again with the ‘bloodbath’ hoax. While on a lesser scale, we see the same nonsense play out here.
A New Political Power Grab
There’s a new Uniparty proposal to entrench even more power in Canberra, and it comes with a heavy price to political accountability.
Good News Week
It’s not all doom and gloom. Our resident Seafarer finds some news that comes with a silver lining.
Voting for the Family
The Irish prefer families and women over DEI and wokeness.

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