WEF's Global Fascism

The WEF's plan for the world is terrifying. Here's your daily news digest for 18 November 2022.

WEF's Global Fascism
Photo by Evangeline Shaw / Unsplash
The WEF’s Stakeholder Capitalism Is Just Global Fascism By Another Name - Alt-Market.us
By Brandon Smith The concept of “fascism” was originally entered into the Encyclopedia Italiana by Italian philosopher Giovanni Gentile, who...


Victoria, it’s time to end the cult of Andrews
Victoria, it’s time to end the cult of Andrews. By Peta Credlin. The reason the Daniel Andrews government is a national story is because Victorian Labor has become the template for Labor government…
Australian notes | The Spectator Australia
Having flown to the United Nations Climate Change Conference (Cop 27) in Egypt, Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen has been at pains to point out the Albanese government’s commitment to US President…
Australia told to end new fossil fuel subsidies if it wants Pacific support to host climate summit
Vanuatu’s climate change minister says Pacific support for Australian bid should be conditional


McCarthy: ‘Let’s Make China Dependent’ on Our Energy
On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) stated that Republicans will use the power of the purse when they take control of the majority in the House and that a GOP majority needs to pursue not just American energy independence, bu…
Poll: 7 out of 10 French voters demand tougher migration policy | Free West Media
Right-wing and even Macron voters are strongly in favour of stricter measures regarding the reception and management of migrants on French territory, but it appears that the president has been deliberately deceiving his constituents. It is becoming increasingly difficult for the authorities and the…
North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Toward Sea: South Korean Military
North Korea has fired a short-range ballistic missile off its east coast, according to the South Korean military ...

Business, Finance & Investment

How To Become A Good-Enough Investor: Investing Lessons Since 1996
You don’t need to be a great investor to make lots of money. You just need to be a good-enough investor. Once you’re good enough you’ll be able to ride an almost constant tailwind toward financial independence. Further, you’ll learn to no longer blow yourself up and lose all your progress. One of my…
US Retail Sector’s Problems Are Poised To Worsen
...retail sales and consumption face two strong headwinds.
‘Big Short’ Michael Burry projects gold to rise amid ‘contagion’ of crypto scandals
Hedge fund manager, Michael Burry, has shared his view on the prospects of gold in the wake of the crypto market downturn.


Egyptians: We Do Not Want the Islamists to Return to Power
The Islamists, in other words, failed in their latest attempt to instigate unrest and violence in Egypt with the hope of returning to power. President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and many other Egyptians seem to prefer less democracy and freedom of speech to
How China Got Our Kids Hooked on ‘Digital Fentanyl’
TikTok is a national security threat.
UN Report: Gain-Of-Function Research ‘Increases Possibility’ Of Pandemics.
A United Nations report on COVID-19 admitted that gain-of-function research – which involves the manipulation of viruses to become deadlier

Crypto & Blockchain

Easy Crypto - The world’s choice for crypto
The world’s favourite place to buy and sell Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Delivery in less than 2 minutes, easiest order process, and we’re open 24/7.
The Crypto Contagion Intensifies With More Dominoes To Fall
A look into the next potential dominoes in the crypto native contagion, along with a comparison of the recent historic levels of withdrawals.
U.S. Banks Launch Digital Dollar Pilot along with N.Y. Fed
U.S. banking giants are gearing up to start a 12-week digital dollar blockchain pilot in partnership with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.


Can Dave Chappelle Save Free Speech?
With their control of all major educational and media institutions, progressives have had the ability to control the political language we use for a good half century now. Historically, they have used that control, in Orwell’s words, “to ...

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