A Golden Message
The Gold market is sending us a message that something is wrong with the financial system.
It's time to make some changes to Confidential but exactly what will depend on what you want to see in the Confidential community.
Welcome to the open forum.
Since you are here I'd like to ask for your feedback.
The Confidential service has been running for three years and I'm looking for some suggestions as to what you'd like to see in the future. This was prompted by the email of one member who wrote (in part):
I say gently and with sincerity that I do not believe the current format of the Cory Bernardi Confidential regular emails works - it is way too long and lacks impact. I have no doubt the content (which I occasionally dig into further is excellent in all articles etc.) however I do not believe the current presentation format is doing you any favours in terms of getting the message out there, and across to people.
I receive an enormous volume of emails as most people do however I believe this needs to be looked at as I care about your success and voice.
That made me think. How many other people think the emails are too long and that they don't have time to read them?
Another reader recently wrote:
Cory, I know you cover one topic in your daily email but maybe you could also include some brief coverage of other material that could be good for helping us get our finances or health in better shape.
It might be too long to send it all but if you have a brief summary, we could click the link if we thought it important and people could read your column on the website.
Are the daily emails too much and should we just publish on the site with a daily summary of my columns plus some interesting links to other news stories?
A lot of people have suggested I make videos or audio content. The video is problematic because of production quality and time. My frequent travels make this more difficult.
The audio is easier but I have to say that I prefer writing.
That said, I'm only here because of you and your support so would welcome any suggestions.
Feel free to leave them in the comments below or use the contact form to send me your thoughts.
And have a great weekend.