Students Brainwashed with the Latest Woke Nonsense
Our kids are fed a steady diet of political tripe and brainwashed with the latest woke nonsense as their literacy and numeracy standards go backwards.
We should all be lamenting the state of Australian education.
Our kids are fed a steady diet of political tripe and brainwashed with the latest woke nonsense gender-bending, historical revisionism, racist anti-racist bunkum – all while their literacy and numeracy standards are going backwards.
I’ve heard every excuse under the sun for this - teachers don’t get paid enough, why do kids need to learn facts when they have Google, times tables are redundant, and nobody uses handwriting anymore.
The list of excuses is as long as my arm, but it might also have something to do with this kind of nonsense.
On Friday, thousands of students across the country are skipping school to strike for climate action, backed by a “sick note” signed by “climate doctors”.
Have you ever heard such rubbish?
This is on top of a push to have a four-day teaching week in some schools.
It all amounts to a disaster in our kids' education, and one has to ask, where are the voices standing against this nonsense?
The education and teachers' unions all seem to support this propaganda and dumbing down our student cohort.
Well, not all, because I discovered a non-labor affiliated teachers union prepared to speak up for normality.