Safe Havens Send Warning Signs
As digital and physical safe haven assets jump in price, it could signal the next leg of an 'almost everything' rally as money flees from government to private investments.
It looks like the financial masters of the universe know something is up.
Gold and Bitcoin soared yesterday as investors sought a haven from the global fiat currency regime.
Hopefully, you were one of the Confidential Daily readers who stuck with our dollar cost-averaging strategy and are now sitting on healthy profits.
That's good news for those positioned in these two asset classes, but it could portend some more global financial chaos ahead.
The move can be partially attributed to growing tension in the Middle East, with weekend reports that Iranian drones had attacked a US Destroyer.
I've been around long enough to rely on something other than media reports at the best of times, but during times of war, the coverage can be particularly unreliable.
All sides produce propaganda to assist their narrative. That includes those who seek justification to escalate or join a conflict.