A Golden Message
The Gold market is sending us a message that something is wrong with the financial system.
Our children are unwitting participants in a dangerous social experiment. Their minds and their identity are part of an indoctrination program that threatens the very foundational values of our society.
It is happening in our schools, our councils, our State and Federal governments and every parent should be worried – very worried.
Most people would be aware of the federally funded ‘Safe Schools’ program. The founder of Safe Schools confessed that it was Marxist indoctrination disguised as an anti-bullying program. It encouraged pre-teen children to think about being in a same-sex relationship, referred them to sexually deviant websites and told them that they – rather than biology – determined if they were male or female.
I belled the cat many years ago and the concerns were dismissed as lies by those behind it and those too dumb to know what they were talking about. Eventually funding was stopped but the indoctrination hasn’t.
Victorian councils are removing books from libraries because they perpetuate the gender norms that make a mockery of the fiction that is gender ‘fluidity’. You may be familiar with the subversive theory that boys and girls are actually different – complementary but certainly different. Apparently the common sense approach wrecks the results of the social experiment, so it’s time to burn some books.
In South Australia, twelve year olds are being asked by their school to complete surveys discussing their favourite sexual proclivities and the type of ‘lube’ they should use.
Sky News presenter Ross Cameron revealed information about one Sydney girls’ school where every student had been diagnosed with one mental illness or another.
Youth outreach headspace claims ‘toxic masculinity forms the bedrock of Australia’s national identity’ and ‘the bloke is a myth’.
One concerned father contacted me about a ‘lesbian day’ at his child’s school. Apparently it was a student-led initiative and the principal was ‘powerless to stop it’.
In Queensland, children as young as four are being encouraged to undertake 2½ hour group therapy sessions where government bureaucrats will make audio recordings of their thoughts on friends and family. In true Big Brother fashion, if the bureaucrats become “concerned about my safety because of something I say during the workshop they will need to talk to people who can help me”.
Who is going to save us from these Eastern-bloc family surveillance sessions that could unleash the thought police to protect children from heteronormative, Christian or plain middle class views? This poison has infected other Anglosphere countries and it is now happening here.
Time to say enough is enough. Australian values are under siege, but we can fight back – and win. To date, the voices prepared to speak up have been few and far between. Many slink away to hide behind the besieging lines of social experimentation. These programs are devised by radical social warriors, funded and fostered by governments and foisted on children with parents blissfully unaware. The culture wars are not coming, they are already upon us – claiming ground, and inflicting casualties.
The damage is already being felt. Too many of our current generation are less resilient and less equipped to cope with adult life than ever before. The sense of entitlement, delusion and self-absorption fostered by these foolish social experiments will only create even greater problems in the future.
This is your weekly dose of common sense.
It’s p**sing down on Melbourne’s monuments, a country Victorian poo tax is flushed and a top Queensland bureaucrat is in a compromising position. Now that’s out of the system, Queensland sets up a council attack dog as Tasmania’s watchdog slams Glenorchy graft. There’s an ANZAC haka hullabaloo out West, NSW blue over brumbies and Aussie diplomats fall for Nigerian scams.
Oh No, Lando! Meet the Marvel cinematic universe’s new Muslim superhero and poverty is now sexism because Hollywood. Don’t complain about your haircut here and here’s a tale of two Canadian salons: one gets nailed for thought crime, but will this one? A British thought-regulator might ban you watching mum doing the dishes, London socialites are ‘brieing’ badly and a pre-schooler is re-aligned to mummy’s tat. Soros plays the victim card in his homeland, socialism delivers a sham result in Venezuela, and a retired British colonel bells the Gaza cat at the UN.