Confidential Report
British Trans Census
Britain's trans census was a comedy of errors. Here's your daily news digest for 17 April 2023.
How the trans census fooled Britain
Tribal speech codes breed linguistic compliance

The Difference Between Yes And Yes
For the moderate group of Voice supporters these facts are not front of mind. They simply want something to be done, and they want reconciliation.

Multiple guards injured during riot involving youth detainees at West Australian prison
West Australian Premier Mark McGowan condemns a riot by youth detainees at Casuarina Prison on Saturday afternoon, which resulted in several custodial officers being injured.
We are all Indigenous somewhere | The Spectator Australia
The Voice is an anathema to a nation that believes in equality – a nation that does not look to colour or creed, but the propulsion of individual best. The Voice divides on colour. Colour, alone…

Joe Biden’s woke conquest of Ireland
The president is using his Irish identity to bully Brexit Britain.

Hundreds injured and killed in Sudan battle
Dozens of people have reportedly been killed and hundreds more injured in fierce clashes between rival military factions in Sudan

Finland Unveils 1st Section Of Russian Border Fence After Joining NATO
Ten feet tall and topped with barbed wire…

Business, Finance & Investment
$1,000,000,000,000 Has Likely Exited US Banking System As America Risks Global Economic Isolation: Hank Paulson - The Daily Hodl
Former US Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson believes panic in the banking sector is not over, and the first recession since 2007 may be inevitable.

Chinese EV Company Taking Over Old Ford Factory After Deal Is Brokered on World Stage
A pending deal between China and Brazil involves an American factory. This is a bad development for Joe Biden and his administration…

The Fertilizer Market: 4 Things Investors Need to Know in 2023
What factors are impacting the fertilizer market in 2023? Here are four trends driving global fertilizer demand.

The Road to Oceania ⋆ Brownstone Institute
For many, living in a state of constant surveillance seems only natural – especially for younger generations who’ve lived their lives online.

Forced Diversity Is Actively Harming America
The meaning of the term “affirmative action” has changed dramatically over the last six decades. Although it first showed up in the Wagner Act in 1935, it was John F. Kennedy who started it on its modern trajectory in 1961 when he issued…

Christianity Is More Than Jordan Peterson’s Notional Symbolism - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics
Jordan Peterson is one of the most overexposed public intellectuals of our time; his thought is paradoxically both articulate and yet also incredibly vague, if not pedantic. And, as with many public intellectuals, he has made the mistake of assuming…

Crypto & Blockchain
Investor Ray Dalio Calls Bitcoin a Very Poor Alternative to Gold, Says Central Banks and Countries Shunning BTC - The Daily Hodl
Legendary investor Ray Dalio says he’s not changing his stance on Bitcoin (BTC) despite the crypto king’s remarkable rally to start the year.

Easy Crypto - The world’s choice for crypto
The world’s favourite place to buy and sell Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Delivery in less than 2 minutes, easiest order process, and we’re open 24/7.

Analyst Nicholas Merten Goes Short on Bitcoin (BTC) As ‘Over Exuberance’ Spreads in Crypto Markets - The Daily Hodl
A widely followed crypto analyst is shorting Bitcoin (BTC) after the crypto king printed gains of about 100% since November.

Your Life Expectancy Depends Greatly On Wealth And Location
The older you get, the more you will value life because you have less of it. If you want to live longer, you should aim to grow richer and live in a more hospitable place. As you will see in this article, the correlation with life expectancy, wealth, and location is strong. Sadly, life expectancy at…