Weekend Open Forum
Summer is over but the conversation is as fired-up as ever on our open forum!
As the West seeks to stifle freedom and financial security, one can only ask: Where is the land of opportunity for the next generation?
What advice would you give to a young person today?
Sure, perennial wisdom about being a good person, working hard, and living within one's means exists, but it doesn't really carry much weight with the next generation.
They've seen enough of the personal abuse attached to public life and social media to know that kindness can be exploited by others. They know that working hard doesn't guarantee financial success, and even if they could save 20% of their salary, it wouldn't deliver their dreams.
When the usual aspirations seem out of reach, hedonism's indulgence takes hold through acronyms like YOLO (You Only Live Once).
Many see hazardous behaviour as the only prospect of getting ahead, leading them to gamble on making a quick buck. Sometimes, that is literally gambling, while others may choose to indulge in shadowy practices to gain an advantage.
In today's environment, more specific counsel is required.
And that's the conversation I was having with my adult sons recently.