Deep Disappointment
The UniParty have worked together to further undermine free speech in Australia. But their real agenda is more control.
My comment today will be brief as many of you will be enjoying the respite from political commentary after a marathon election campaign.
The Coalition government has been re-elected, for which I am grateful. It has always been my belief that it is better for the country to have a right-of-centre majority in the House of Representatives rather than a Labor one. The challenge ahead will be to negotiate good policy through a disparate Senate, where the final composition may not be resolved for several weeks.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank so many readers for their support of my campaign. Your good wishes, financial contributions and advice were greatly appreciated. Thanks to your support I’ll be able to continue to speak up for common sense and mainstream ideas within the parliament for some years to come.
I am also heartened by the amazing response to the Australian Conservatives movement. Whilst still in its infancy, the interest generated has been incredible. Work will now begin to create a website and communications platform to serve the tens of thousands of people who have already registered and to serve as the foundation for future growth.
That said, the hard work has only just begun. Effecting meaningful change requires a sustained commitment and the application of consistent principles. This will be the true challenge ahead – inside and outside of the parliament. But it is a challenge we cannot afford to fail at. There is simply too much at stake.
We can all observe the consequences of failure in other nations. The abandonment of common sense conservatism has led to economic calamity, social dislocation, racial division and civil unrest. It’s no coincidence that these outcomes are a direct consequence of the so called ‘progressive’ agenda that has successfully undermined the social and cultural institutions that have been the glue binding Western civilisation together.
Australia has the chance to learn from their mistakes. We need to defend our culture, build our economy, strengthen our families, reduce the size of government, cut taxes and inspire free enterprise. We need to live within our means and recognise that self-government is the most efficient and most effective form of government there is.
Of course, that takes a change of mindset from both politicians and the public. Effecting that change won’t be easy which is why we have to stick together.
With your help, and that of many more concerned Australians, we will succeed. Thanks to you we are already off to a good start.