We’re back in parliament this week and the government is trying to pass its budget measures.
Some of you may be aware that I spoke in opposition to the increase in the top marginal tax rate proposed by the government.
The reason for doing so was simple: I am resolutely opposed to tax increases. I believe the Australian people pay too much tax and cutting taxes will actually help to grow our economy. I gave some historical evidence of this in my speech to the Senate recently.
Whilst the new tax measure was always going to pass thanks to the support of the Labor Party, I did think it was important to flag my reservations in the time-honoured manner and in accordance with Liberal Party tradition.
Since last week’s email, the National Press Club (NPC) has confirmed my speaking engagement there for July 17. An NPC address is a great opportunity to communicate a message that one feels is important to the Australian people. The format is also an engaging one. The speaker talks for 30 minutes and then an array of press gallery journalists ask questions for another 30 minutes. Proceedings are sometimes televised but the entire luncheon is open to members of the public.
My address will revolve around my sense that Australian politics is at a crossroads. There seems to be an increasing disillusionment with the major parties and if it goes unaddressed, it could have a profound impact on politics in this country – just like it has in other countries around the world.
It should be an interesting day (it will be the final day of this parliamentary sitting session) and if any “common sense” readers can join me, I’d love to see you there. On occasions such as this, the more support there is, the better! There’s a link above if you’d like more details.
Next week will be the final parliamentary sitting of the current Senate. We will farewell a number of colleagues but none more substantial than the legendary National Party Senator Ron Boswell. Ron has been a senator for over 31 years and has had a huge impact on public affairs in this country. I have never met a more persistent and enthusiastic campaigner for so many good causes. He has been a great senator, a generous mentor and a good friend. Ron leaves big shoes to fill.
And finally, this week I say Vale to Ray Evans, a great man who fought the good fight on behalf of us all. He was a pioneer of the conservative movement and my thoughts and condolences are with his family.