Weekend Open Forum
Here's the place to share your wisdom with the Confidential Commmunity.
I am out and about in regional South Australia this week. It’s my favourite part about being involved in politics and the regional trip is something I try to do multiple times throughout the year.
The breadth and diversity of our landscape is amazing and it’s always good to see our farmers preparing for the winter rains (that usually start around Anzac Day).
Some news in The Australian this week set the South Australian town of Coffin Bay abuzz with tens of millions of dollars being privately invested in their famous oyster industry.
Regular readers will know that Coffin Bay is one of my favourite places in Australia and, with apologies to the Sydney rock aficionados, their oysters are truly the best!
The announcement was well timed because tonight I’ll be broadcasting from Coffin Bay on the Paul Murray Live show on Sky News Channel. Hopefully we’ll get a chance to talk about some of the good things happening in our regional centres rather than the problems politicians create!
No doubt we will also have a chat about the government’s changes to the 457 visa system. I support these changes and know they would not have been made if not for the strong conservative voice outside of the government party system.
Your voice, channelled through Australian Conservatives has the government listening. They are desperately trying to win back the common sense voters they scorned, belittled and derided as ‘having nowhere else to go’.
Mainstream conservative voters do have a place to go, a place that will actually strengthen the conservative policy credentials of the government.
We’ll continue to remind them of why they were elected and the policy approaches they should be taking for the good of the country. That’s why the Australian Conservatives movement is so important. If you haven’t done so, please join us today.
Next Tuesday is Anzac Day – a time when we commemorate the service of an amazing group of Australians – our defence men and women. It’s when we pause to remember those patriots who have given all in service to our country. We remember them, and in doing so, remind ourselves of the sacrifice others are prepared to make.
We also acknowledge those current and former members of our military, including 2,350 personnel currently deployed overseas and on our borders – and their families waiting for them to come home safely. These brave men and women are the front line in defending our freedoms and way of life. While every day is a good day to say thanks for what they are doing, next Tuesday while you are out and about, if you see a current or former digger, thank them for their service.