A Golden Message
The Gold market is sending us a message that something is wrong with the financial system.
Despite his status amongst the Left, Obama has a terrible record and it's time the truth was discussed.
There was a revelation this week that Barack Obama enlisted the assistance of Malcolm Turnbull to corral a wayward Donald Trump.
Of course Trump was wayward from the perspective of the Leftist princes who think they alone are entitled and suitably qualified to rule the world.
Well, the world now knows that when difficulties arise, the doyen of democratic royalty Obama calls on our very own Malcolm Turnbull.
What better entree into the billionaire elite Hampton hypocrite set for a poor boy made good than being besties with Barack.
I just wonder why Obama chose to confide his BFF status with Turnbull to left-wing writer and researcher Troy Bramston…all the way over here, when there are so many more captive media presences in the United States.
Anyway, Barry is clearly on a mission to rebuild the Trunbull, err sorry, that's what Trump called him…I mean the Turnbull brand…at least in America.
But is having Barry O onside all that it should be?
He has been given a free pass on his woeful presidency and if he is endorsing you, maybe its time to choose a better quality of person to hang out with.
Tonight’s talking points memo looks at some of President Obama’s legacy, not through the rose coloured glasses of the left, but through the crystal clear lens of reality.