Let the Truth-Telling Begin
It's time for a few home truths about the Aboriginal industry, run by an elite group that prospers from Aboriginal disadvantage.
The referendum result was a victory for Australia. It was a decisive rejection of racial division and the creation of a special class of Australians in our constitution.
Unsurprisingly, the losing side is looking to blame everyone else for their failures.
The yes campaign was led by people who have failed Aboriginal people for decades yet wanted more power and authority.
The PM has been in parliament for decades - holding very senior positions for much of that time. He more or less admitted that he - and his other time servers have little to show for the billions showered on ATSI people every year.
Linda Burney teared up at the referendum failure, and she should be crying over her campaign performance.
It was woeful.
She needed help to answer simple questions on what she was in charge of, always retreating to a folder of talking points that she repeated ad nauseam.
Then there were the interventions of Noel Pearson, Marcia Langton, Thomas Mayo and the like.
All embroiled in ATSI politics for decades with a spectacular record of underachievement.
Yet somehow, someone in the Yes camp thought having them call no voters names or threaten to withhold Welcome to Country ceremonies was a political winner.
We saw high-flying Aboriginal ‘role models’ call regular Australians racists simply for rejecting racial division.
The yes mob couldn’t even agree on what the Uluru statement from the heart was or meant.
It was a shambles, and the campaign deserved to fail.
Not just because of the hopelessness of those involved but because the proposal was terrible for the country.
Now, the naval gazing and blame game begins. There’s even been a ‘period of mourning’ declared by the aboriginal elites licking their wounds.
They’ve become a running joke and should all remove themselves from the aboriginal industry that has enriched them.
If you want to change the outcomes for indigenous people, then put a stop to the grift, stop the excuses, stop the immoral industry attached to sit down money, stop the profiteers and stop the us and then divide.
Unfortunately, that shows no sign of happening.
Saturday night, the PM displayed his continuing shallowness when he asked the question.
“Does anyone think the Uluru Statement was more than what it was?
What does that even mean?
The Uluru Statement from the Heart was about Voice, Treaty and truth-telling, but the PM repeatedly claimed it was a one-page document.
During the campaign, the PM admitted he hadn’t even read the entire thing, and yet that’s a line from his keynote delivery in defeat.
He and his team had no idea throughout the referendum and still demonstrate a lack of awareness.
He’s not alone though.
Communications Minister Michelle Rowland was on the SKY panel last night when she came up with this gem.
She rejected the notion that migrant communities could be referred to as rejecting the voice.
According to Rowland, it’s insulting to lump migrant communities together, but that’s precisely what the Yes camp did with the hundreds of different Aboriginal tribes.
Rowland went on to say this is what the Aboriginal people wanted.
Well, that’s a generalisation if ever there was one.
The electorates with the highest proportion of indigenous people were among the strongest No votes in the country.
I wonder what Rowland has to say about Aboriginal politicians like Price, Mundine and Liddle rejecting race division.
Or what about these campaigners yesterday?
Are they part of the Rowland homogeneity?
This is so typical of the Left.
Whether it be Joe Biden saying you can’t be black if you vote for Trump or Labor thinking all Aboriginals think alike, the left doesn’t see individuals; they see identity groups to exploit and manipulate.
The only group we should have in this country is Australians.
And that group has a diversity of thought, race, creed and colour.
To demonise one to garnish support from another is the most un-Australian act one could do, and yet that’s what identity politics does.
The leadership in this country needs to be blind to race, creed and colour, but it cannot afford to be behaviourally blind.
We are not a nation of mendicants to be infantilised by the nanny state. Individuals need to take responsibility for their own decisions and actions.
The old maxim about providing equality of opportunity without expecting equality of outcome still rings true.
This was brought home by more of the sky news coverage last night, where panellists were at pains to explain their empathy with Aboriginal people.
One spoke of how they went to schools with Aboriginal people and gave the example of one of those kids who only turned up for a single day that year.
It made me ask how is that anyone’s fault except the family of the child involved. The opportunity was there for an education, and it was rejected.
There was another claim of another Aboriginal classmate who later went to jail.
Big deal.
I went to school with non-Aboriginal people who went to jail too.
I’ve also got mates who left school early, who failed school, who have wasted their lives, battle with substance abuse and mental health issues and have died prematurely.
Why should their skin colour or ancestry see them treated any differently?
I sincerely hope that Australia will wake up to the poison of identity politics at work in this country.
Another panellist on last night's coverage listed off his honour role of appointments to Aboriginal corporations.
It made me think about the waste attached to all these taxpayer-funded make-work outfits.
Our money is being tipped into a bunch of organisations that achieve very little and yet are mostly unaccountable.
Those first to the financial trough do very well, but there doesn't seem to be much left for others.
In that respect, we certainly need some truth-telling telling, and that can start with a Royal Commission into the waste, misuse and abuse of the hundreds of billions of dollars that have failed to close any gaps within some of our most disadvantaged communities.
When will the people entrusted with those funds, who promised to deliver results, be held to account for their spectacular lack of achievement?
I suspect that won’t happen because Australians would be appalled by what they’d find.
Thought for the Day
“Elections belong to the people. It's their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters.”
Abraham Lincoln