Hamas Links

Intelligence reportedly shows that UNRWA employees are linked to terrorist groups.

Hamas Links
Photo by Edge2Edge Media / Unsplash
New Details Emerge of U.N. Employees’ Extensive Hamas Links | National Review
Israeli intelligence assessments reportedly show that about 1,200 UNRWA employees are linked to terrorist groups.


Cost of negative gearing and other rental deductions soaring, Australian treasury data reveals
The latest ranking of revenue foregone shows the usual suspects topping the list
ABC managing director says people ‘still trust’ the broadcaster, after Lattouf sacking
The ABC’s managing director David Anderson says he does not believe trust in the national broadcaster has been damaged by allegations it submitted to pressure from pro-Israeli lobbying to sack journalist Antoinette Lattouf.
Albanese is the new Whitlam, hurrying to divide society by privileging its favorites
Albanese is the new Whitlam, hurrying to divide society by privileging its favorites. By Janet Albrechtsen. You don’t have to be a dewy-eyed romanticist about the past to believe that in the past y…


The West’s shameful silence on Imran Khan’s imprisonment | The Spectator Australia
Donald Trump should spare a thought for Imran Khan. If the former US president feels overrun by lawsuits, he could comfort himself with the thought that they are a mere bagatelle in comparison with…
UNRWA is worse than you think
For far too long this UN agency has provided moral cover to the anti-Semitic haters of Israel.
China Trapping Biden on Artificial Intelligence
[N]o, America should not want to enter into any AI agreement with the People’s Republic of China on “nuclear C2” — command and control — or any other matter. An agreement requiring a human to make launch decisions would, as a practical matter, be

Business, Finance & Investment

China’s Real Estate Crisis, Shown in Two Charts
These charts show China’s real estate boom in the 21st century and the subsequent slowdown since 2022.
Inflation And Greed: The Biggest Wealth Destroyers For Families
After publishing my post on no longer being financially independent, several media outlets picked up the story and thousands of comments on their respective platforms ensued. The main criticism was that my expenses were way too high and that I am greedy. As a result, I thought it would be useful to discuss the impact


The De-evolution of the West
It has been said that intellectuals can reduce a city of stone to sand. Unfortunately, this is especially true as today’s “thinking class” wages all-hands-on deck warfare against Western Civilization. The most prominent of these att…
Triple-Jabbed Carol Miller Advised Voters ‘Not to be Around’ the Unjabbed
West Virginia Rep. Carol Miller advised her pro-jab constituents to stay away from those who refused to take the bioweapon injection.

Crypto & Blockchain

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Two Things Stand in the Way of Tokenization of Real World Assets, According to VanEck CEO
A couple of big issues stand in the way of real-world asset tokenization, according to the chief executive of the global investment management giant VanEck. In a new interview with Raoul Pal, VanEck CEO Jan van Eck says that liquidity is a “big issue” for tokenization. “Who provides the liquidity? Anyone can theoretically tokenize anything. […]


From the beginning, “neoliberalism” was an obnoxious term - Marginal REVOLUTION
It was meant as an insult, implying that Mises – a marginalist – was trying to salvage 19th century liberal economics from the collectivist attacks of the Marxist left and the Nazi right, hence the “neo” moniker being attached. One of the main promoters of this use was Othmar Spann, a rival of Mises on […]

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