Deep Disappointment
The UniParty have worked together to further undermine free speech in Australia. But their real agenda is more control.
Harvesting your data is only the beginning of the new technology battlefield.
Chinese tech companies generate data which can be ‘commandeered’ by communist govtFears the Chinese Communist Party will commandeer the masses of data generated by China-owned tech firms for national security reasons is the root cause behind concerns from western governments according to Sky News contributor Cory Bernardi. More:
Posted by Sky News Australia on Sunday, July 12, 2020
This week India banned a number of chinese technology apps including tik tok and wechat over cyber security concerns.
It’s perhaps the next step in the technology battlefield after many countries have already banned Chinese telco company Huawei from having their equipment included as part of national communications infrastructure.
The concerns of Huawei and these other firms is that the technology they provide generates masses of data that can then be commandeered by the Chinese government for ‘national security reasons’. Chinese law requires Chinese companies to ‘support, co-operate and collaborate in national intelligence work’
Huawei is also the world’s second largest manufacturer of smart phones. For most people, these smart phones are part personal diary, bank, communications device and photo album all rolled into one. It’s like our entire lives revolve around the information captured in our phones and by the apps that we use.
Should we be worried about that or are the security concerns overblown.