Weekend Open Forum
Summer is over but the conversation is as fired-up as ever on our open forum!
The world is experiencing financial, military and civil chaos. Our politicians will be sure not to let these convenient crises go to waste.
The global chaos meter is getting closer to the read zone.
First we had he financial meltdown caused by the Japanese central bank's decision to raise official interest rates t0 0.25 per cent.
That caused their currency to strengthen and the hundreds of billions in loans taken by foreign financial traders, who then further leveraged those loans into stock markets, were suddenly deep underwater.
It sparked a 'sell anything to meet margin calls' crisis as financial assets were dumped.
This included Bitcoin and my sense is that it got hit so hard because it was one of the few markets open over the weekend.
In any event, as predicted, the Central Banks have ridden to the rescue in a co-ordinated plan to minimise the short-term pain.
They've done this before and it works, for a time. Then something happens that they can't avoid - like the Lehmann Brothers collapse of 2008.
And that's what I expect will happen here unless the Japanese reverse their recent interest rate rise. And even if they do, it merely kicks the catastrophe can down the road for a bit longer.
The financial bandaids will likely allow things to limp along until after the US election but eventually, likely in 2025, the broken system will be evident for all to see.
We've also got some escalating tensions in the Middle East.
There are reports of missiles striking a US military base in Iraq with suggestions that they were fired by proxies of the Iranian regime, while more US military personnel are being deployed to the region.
England appears to be engaging in a civil war as the clash of cultures takes hold. Appallingly, but unsurprisingly the political and media leadership portray the antagonists as the victims.
Here's a clip that Sky News UK deleted from their archive, presumably because it painted the preferred people in the wrong light.
Of course the 'authorities' love chaos because it allows them to do things they wouldn't otherwise be able to get away with.
The time honoured tactic of societal control is to create crises, fostering public outcry, and then offer pre-planned solutions that reduce freedoms and further their agendas.
Media manipulation of these crisis drives public demand for action and creates division, benefiting those who covet more power.
That's what we are seeing now.
The financial crisis will be used to justify a Universal Basic Income and a central bank digital currency. The wars will result in raw material shortages, restrictions on travel and conscription. The civil unrest will be used to justify greater infringement on our personal liberties while entrenching more power with government.
The playbook is easily read but they are banking on compliance by the sheeplike masses who still believe everything the government or media tell them.
"What 'multiculturalism' boils down to is that you can praise any culture in the world except Western culture - and you cannot blame any culture in the world except Western culture."
Thomas Sowell