Rate-Cut Hopes Resurrected As 'Hard' Data Slides while the DOW Booms!

So last week was all about a resurgence in rate-cut hopes all because of a weird week of weak 'hard data, strong 'soft' data (macro), weak micro (ugly hints for software and consumer from earnings), and dovish-and-hawkish FedSpeak.
With yields lower, this sent stocks up, with the DOW especially being the best of the ugly horses in the glue factory powering up over 575 pts!
Gold had a resurgence while real yields continue to languish.

Begs the question is the precious metal market anticipating more of the lawfare we saw Friday as the Biden admin will "do whatever it takes" to not allow Trump to compete to be President?
Because the USA today is more like a... the lawfare ass-clownery continues.
Happy Monday!

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