Deep Disappointment
The UniParty have worked together to further undermine free speech in Australia. But their real agenda is more control.
The rampant abuse and misuse of welfare is sending us broke. Here's just one example.
Sometimes, finding the 'compassionate' bone in your body is hard.
That's not because one doesn't have empathy for the suffering of others, but some recipients of our support show no respect or appreciation for it.
Yes, I know we cannot tar all with the same brush, but the abuse and misuse of welfare and social support in this country are making me angry.
We are all exposed to it at some level simply by walking around the streets, particularly in large cities or towns.
I see it daily as our inner city apartment is next door to a social housing project.
Let me begin this discussion by acknowledging that some of the residents in that project do their best to maintain their properties and treat other residents with respect.
However, many others can only be characterised as neighbours from hell.