Voice of the Black Elites

The track record of the Aboriginal elites should be reason enough to deny them even more power through the Voice.

Voice of the Black Elites
Photo by Ondrej Machart / Unsplash

There’s been a lot of talk about the Voice this week as the inflammatory language by the Yes advocates has lifted a notch or ten.

Apparently, if you vote no to a special race based cabal of elites you are a racist or a fascist or a white supremacist or Judas.

That last one is especially poignant given today is Easter Sunday and Judas was the betrayer of Jesus.

But those who use these intemperate terms are betraying this country.

They are deflecting the valid questions that need to be answered about this change to our constitution.

It’s entirely unnecessary to change our constitution to create yet another Aboriginal advisory body to politicians. And yet the push is on to make it a constitutional issue.

We are entitled to ask why?

Is it to make a relative few feel better about themselves or is it about entrenching a racially based elite to rule over us?

Maybe it’s both. Who would know because those pushing this divisive and racist garbage won’t tell us what difference this constitutional change will make.

In fact, sometimes they even contradict each other in a rush to paper over the flaws in what they are proposing.

The proposed Voice will have rights that no Cabinet Minister has - the right to appeal legislative decisions to the High Court because of a lack of consultation.

This is important because it means virtually every decision of government has to go through an aboriginal approval process lest it lead to legal challenge.

We’ve got enough of that nonsense already.

That started decades ago.

Back in the 1990s, a proposed bridge over the River Murray from Goolwa to Hindmarsh Island, was stopped because it was supposedly sacred to a group of Aboriginal women.

They wouldn’t disclose why it was sacred and the Labor govt of the time accepted their word for it.

This became known as ‘secret women's business’ and was thought to be linked to infertility if the bridge went ahead.

It was Sky News Chris Kenny who managed to elicit the truth from one Aboriginal elder that this ‘business’ was all made up.

A subsequent royal commission reached that the conclusion that ‘secret women’s business’ had been fabricated.

The bridge eventually proceeded and the Aboriginal population is now among the fastest growing ethnic groups in the nation. The 2020 census had it up by more than 25% in just four years.

Clearly there is not an infertility issue at play.

How many other Aboriginal cultural claims are in the same boat?

Who will run a check on any of the claims made by the tribal House of Lords?

Just this week we saw another project blocked on the claims of an Aboriginal tribe.

A pastoral company owned by Andrew and Nicola Forrest were denied (on appeal) permission to build two granite quarries and 10 weirs along the Ashburton River, which runs through Minderoo Station, about 1,300 kilometres north of Perth.

The project was blocked because there were  fears the weirs could kill the Aboriginal water serpent spirit in the river.

I don’t know if the projects were a good idea or not but some mythical sacred serpent as the excuse to stop them reeks of rubbish to me.

I get that different groups of Australian’s have different religious and cultural beliefs. Sometimes those beliefs come into conflict and we have to make a choice.

But this country was actually built under the belief that many of us celebrate on this very day. Christianity.

It informs our laws, our customs and our interaction with each other.

It’s also the only ‘religion’ that the sneering elites seem to frown upon.

You can embrace any other form of mysticism or worship and it will be revered and respected. But try to introduce a christian voice to the public square and wait for the vilification.

We are constantly told how Aboriginal culture is the oldest continuing culture in the world. First it was 20,000 years, then 40,000, now a 65,000 year legacy.

Let’s accept that for a moment but also question; if that is the case, why has it changed so much in recent decades?

When I grew up Aboriginal beliefs were known as The Dreamtime…now they are ‘the dreaming’. A small but significant change and incredible to think that  65,000 years of tradition was dumped over just a few years.

Then there’s the welcome to country and the acknowledgment of country.

The former is seemingly at every public event while the latter precedes even contributions at some private meetings.

It’s like a modern spell designed to make you immune to criticism.

We’re told these too are ancient customs.

However the welcome to country can be traced back to 1976, when  Ernie Dingo's dance troupe had to come up with an impromptu new routine after an awkward stand-off with Maori and Cook Islanders. The visitors refused to perform at an arts festival until they were ritually welcomed.

More continuous culture passed down from one generation to another for more than 65,000 years.

That said, if you need another reason to vote NO at the coming referendum we could listen to Professor Marcia Langton. This week she said if the referendum failed.

“How are they going to ever ask an Indigenous person, a ­traditional owner, for a welcome to country? How are they ever going to be able to ask me to come and speak at their conference? If they have the temerity to do it, of course the ­answer is going to be no,”

In my opinion that’s a win for all of us.

No more welcomes, no more hollow acknowledgements and no more of Marcia Langton’s pious lectures.

Langton was one of those backing in the fabricated  ‘secret women's business’ of the Hindmarsh island bridge despite  being quoted as saying:

“I personally do not know much about the facts of the case, and it is not proper that I should know.”

I mention these things because I think we are being conned. Not just in a cultural sense but financially and politically.

The Australian’s Greg Bearup had a fantastic expose of what’s going on in the lucrative world of aboriginal art.

Paintings from some well regarded Aboriginal artists can sell for tens of thousands of dollars but Bearup exposes that it’s often white artists lending more than a hand to produce the works.

Rosie Palmer, the white manager of the artists collective, offered to help the artist ‘juice this up a bit’ and suggesting another ‘rockhole’ could be useful.

When shown a photo of her holding a paintbrush she is quoted as saying.

“I absolutely deny that I am painting in this photo. I am holding an unused brush and a bucket of pre-prepared red wash that Yaritji has already used to lay down the tjukula ­(rockhole) and passed back to me.”

Maybe she wasn't painting in that photo but here’s another image so you can judge for yourself.

Photo from The Australian

I’m sure the art collectors would love to know they are shelling out big bucks for traditional art that’s been ‘juiced up’ by white women.

Of course, this, and the other things I have just mentioned are an inconvenience for those pushing to redefine our national governance arrangements.

These are the same people who have been dispensing hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to make very little difference in the lives of so many Aboriginal people.

A voice will entrench an elite at the very top of a racial divide in this country. We’ll have more sacred serpents and secret women's business, more questionable Aboriginal art, more bureaucracy and more billions flowing into a race based system.

The voice wont bring us together. Instead it will divide us like never before.

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