EP 10 of the ANDIKA BULLETin
SpaceX (again) Catches Starship Booster with 'Chopsticks' for Second Time
Why Warren Mundine would claim a No vote will speed up treaty negotiations is lost on those who don't want race-based division in Australia.
It's a maxim of politics never to interrupt your opponent while they are making mistakes.
That's why what No campaign leader Warren Mundine said yesterday makes no sense.
The No camp has been extraordinarily successful in stressing how the Voice is merely a stepping stone to more division and demands for money and power by ATSI elites.
Australians don't want more division and certainly don't want to be 'charged' a race tax for living in their own land of birth or citizenship.
They've obviously rejected the Yes campaign proponents' demand for a Treaty or reparations, who have desperately been trying to hide their real intentions.
Yet Mundine broke from the campaign narrative to go on a Treaty frolic of his own.
He told the ABC Insiders program that a No vote on October 14 would make a Treaty more likely.
Perhaps it was a case of Stockholm syndrome in the ABC's Ultimo HQ, but I have to ask: "What on earth was Mundine thinking?"