Weekend Open Forum
Here's the place to share your wisdom with the Confidential Commmunity.
Job creation has been led by government subsidies, which is a sure-fire recipe for sending the nation broke.
There was more bad news about Australia's economic future yesterday.
Just as we are told a man in a dress is a woman, the bad news was published as good news. Both are nonsensical claims.
Here's the headline from The Australian.
Isn't it wonderful that we are experiencing a job boom?
That's why we need all those third-world immigrants - to fill the shortage of workers created by the boom.
Of course, that doesn't explain why so many Australian residents are on some form of handout, unable or unwilling to find or hold a job. Never mind, don't let pesky facts get in the way of hiding our road to bankruptcy.
The underlying story is that most 'created' jobs are in taxpayer-subsidised or funded industries. That's terrible news for the private sector, which drives wealth creation.
And that's one of the biggest problems with where Australia is today. The most attractive sectors for work or business exploitation are industries linked to government money.
The NDIS is the standout.
If you want to get rich, start a business in this sector and fleece the taxpayer for everything you can. Health is pretty much the same.
I know one instance where a doctor does the 'rounds' of a nursing home, popping her head in to speak to anyone awake, charging them all a Medicare fee—even those who are asleep.
It's an easy couple of grand for a Friday afternoon stroll.