Weekend Open Forum
Summer is over but the conversation is as fired-up as ever on our open forum!
There's more pressure being applied to exposing the COVID lies, but the cover-up to protect the guilty continues
There's new pressure being placed on the dishonest architects behind the COVID scam.
That the pandemic was an alarmist pile of Bill Dust is almost beyond question. The only ones who don't think that are those who have their heads stuck in the sand, refusing to examine the overwhelming evidence.
When the entire truth is eventually revealed, the world will know just how ruthless, dishonest and corrupt the system we rely on to look after our interests is.
That's why, those of us who are aware of the truth, welcome every effort to expose the lies. The latest is the State of Kansas which is pursuing Pfizer for “false and misleading marketing of a vaccine”.
The first point to raise is that there is no way these experimental jabs should ever be referred to as Vaccines. They didn't prevent contraction or transmission of anything, but had massive adverse effects on millions of human Guinea Pigs.
Some of those adverse effects are truly alarming.
Here's Naomi Wolf discussing her concerns.
While I hope Pfizer and the other poison peddlers are made to pay for their disgusting deceptions, the enablers behind this are the ones who truly need to be held to account.
None of the COVID scandemic would have been possible without the support of governments and global non-government institutions.
Prime Ministers and Presidents almost compelled their citizens to succumb to experimental injections that hadn't undergone adequate testing. All the time paying the media to say they were safe and effective while assuring us they'd had the exact same approval process as previous vaccines.
It was all a lie.
The media (and anyone else who cared to look) knew it was a lie because the official TGA website stated these were approved for 'emergency use' and the shots hadn't been through the regular protocols.
But you couldn't say that in the media because they'd all been paid not to buck the official narrative.
Our gutless politicians ordered hundreds of millions of doses of an experimental poison with a use by date that assured they would only go to waste.
In fact, destroying these vile vials would have been the highest and best use. At least that way we'd only have wasted billions of dollars instead of causing catastrophic health injuries that are still been felt today.
It will all be exposed but the complicit and the ignorant will likely never be held to account. To do so would expose just how dangerous and inept the veneer of 'authority' is.
So while we cannot change what has happened, individually we can determine not to fall for a similar ruse in the future.
Just how much people have learned will be tested again in the near future.
At some stage soon, we'll be exposed to the same relentless propaganda designed to have us comply with another outrageous curtailment of our freedoms.
Whether it relates to a manufactured virus, a manufactured war or a manufactured existential threat; know that it is coming.
Only this time, I hope more have the courage to resist.
"Only the mob and the elite can be attracted by the momentum of totalitarianism itself. The masses have to be won by propaganda."
Hannah Arendt