Deep Disappointment
The UniParty have worked together to further undermine free speech in Australia. But their real agenda is more control.
When you think you've seen it all, a chance meeting can open up a realm of new opportunities.
Old dogs can always learn new things. Sure, they may not want to do tricks, but an inquiring mind is always open to learning.
Now, I'm not talking about actual canines, but more middle-aged blokes like me who think they've seen it all before.
And I've seen enough to let me know that government is the greatest threat to liberty, financial freedom and happiness.
It seems I am not alone.
My Spanish-language sojourn has introduced me to an incredible array of successful, thoughtful people who are taking practical steps to make their lives less vulnerable to government dictates.
They all have different stories.
Some are single, others have families. Many work online or run businesses remotely. More than a few are crypto-converts, whose entire wealth is linked to one or more digital currencies.
The latter group will end up billionaires or broke!
But there's a common thread—they are all making money and all see the diminishing value of giving high percentages of their earnings to the government.
In the West, there's an insatiable government appetite for your cash, with few limits on spending or tax grabs.