Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

It's been an incredible year, but 2024 looks set to be even more exciting. We'll be back on January 2, 2024, to help you find freedom, create wealth and build a better life.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

What a year it has been!

With all the exciting events going on, the time has flown by. I hope it has been positive for you and those nearest and dearest.

Of course, no year passes without some highs and lows.

That's part of life, but we can only hope that the joys and blessings eclipsed whatever disappointments or heartaches we endured.

Sometimes, it can be hard to find that silver lining, but it's always there - and generally in the last place you look.

If you haven't found it yet, please don't give up; brighter days are ahead.

I'll spend Christmas and New Year with my family at the beach. There'll be food and drinks and lots of laughter.

Hopefully, we'll get a spot of fishing in, too.

Our regular email service will recommence on Jan 2, 2024, when we'll kick off what I expect to be one of the most interesting years ever.

On the political front, we've got a US Presidential election. I suspect we'll have an Australian poll too.

Culturally, I expect the pushback against woke ideology and the era of mass migration will gain momentum. People are just sick of politicians lying and cultural Marxists telling us what to do.

Financially, the US Bitcoin ETF approval (expected in early January) could unleash a tsunami of buying of the digital gold. Then there's the 'halving' in April, which typically triggers a 12 -18 month bull market.

That's on top of BTC already being the world's best-performing asset this year.

Our other crypto Stacks is also going gangbusters, recently breaking the $2 mark (up over 100%).

Those who followed our process have shown nerves of steel and have substantially bolstered their balance sheet.

Both will stand them in good stead for the year ahead.

The stock market is close to record highs, and finance professionals are betting rates will start to fall in the new year.

Whether that will unleash more investor confidence or pessimism is anyone's guess.

Of course, we also have ongoing geopolitical tensions, and 2024 could see them escalate or disappear. No one knows for sure, so peeking behind the curtain and decoding the political intent will be particularly important.

That's what Confidential Daily is here to do.

A new team member or two will be coming on board next year to build out our offering. It's all about helping you maximise the opportunity that 'interesting times' often present.

Our aim is to help you find freedom, create wealth and build a better life.

We'll keep helping all our members do that in the new year.

May you enjoy a blessed and safe Christmas, and I look forward to sharing a fantastic 2024 with you all.

Thought for the Day

“The object of a New Year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul and a new nose; new feet, a new backbone, new ears, and new eyes. Unless a particular man made New Year resolutions, he would make no resolutions. Unless a man starts afresh about things, he will certainly do nothing effective.”
G.K. Chesterton

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