Managerial Elites

Why Leo Varadkar failed to make a full-throated condemnation of the monsters of Hamas.

Managerial Elites
Photo by Hulki Okan Tabak / Unsplash
The moral cowardice of the managerial elites
Why Leo Varadkar failed to make a full-throated condemnation of the monsters of Hamas.


Scrap first home buyers grant and build 60,000 social homes by 2034, Victorian inquiry recommends
The inquiry report makes no recommendations on rent regulation, which has been a contentious issue between the Greens and Labor
‘Don’t want naive people going there’: Cheng Lei’s China warning to Australians
In the final episode Q+A of 2023, formerly incarcerated journalist Cheng Lei issues a warning about China, and Kalarie man Todd Fernando discusses why the Indigenous Voice to Parliament failed at the referendum.


North Korea Begins Remilitarizing Border with South Korea | The Libertarian Institute
According to the South Korean Defense Ministry, North Korean soldiers have begun rebuilding military posts along the border. In recent weeks, the relationship between North and South Korea took a further nose dive. First, Seoul announced it would partly suspend its participation in a 2018 agreement…
New Jerusalem: US and Israeli solution to the Palestine problem risks a new major war in the region
Despite Cairo’s resistance, the old plan to relocate Palestinian people to Egypt has prompted new discussions
Xi Jinping Tells Chinese Women to Get Married, Make Babies
Chinese dictator Xi Jinping has grown desperate over demographic decline, reminding women more forcefully about their duty to have children.

Business, Finance & Investment

Charted: The Industries Where Asian Companies are the Strongest
We look at the share of Asian companies in the top 3,000 global firms—measured by market capitalization in 2020—broken down by industry.
Why Millennials Need To Earn $525,000 A Year To Feel Happy
Empower surveyed 2,304 U.S. adults about financial happiness. And one of the most fascinating data points from the survey was that Millennials need to earn $525,000 a year to feel happy! Although $525,000 isn’t a top 1% income ($650,000+ is in 2023), it’s a top 3% income. And if you need to earn mor…


Covid-19 conspirator Robert Kadlec warns lab leak could spark another pandemic
Covid-19 conspirator Robert Kadlec warns lab leak could spark another pandemic. By Sharri Markson. It’s astonishing to consider that Anthony Fauci stood on the White House podium in early 2020, bes…
Climate reparations are an awful idea | The Spectator Australia
There is a word that we are going to hear once COP28 gets underway in Dubai later this week: ‘reparations’. While US climate envoy John Kerry has tried to rule out any US agreement to pay reparations…

Crypto & Blockchain

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The world’s favourite place to buy and sell Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Delivery in less than 2 minutes, easiest order process, and we’re open 24/7.
Binance CEO outlines plan for crypto exchange after CZ steps down
According to Richard Teng, Binance planned to “drive growth and the adoption of Web3” as well as continue its user-focused approach to business.


Menstrual-Product Company Launches ‘Tampons for Men’ | National Review
‘Periods aren’t just an issue for women, as trans men and non-binary people may also have a womb and periods,’ said the company.

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