Justice is Not Blind

The report into the conduct of Shane Drumgold is damning. However, it also raises important questions. Primarily, Is our justice system really blind?

Justice is Not Blind
Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm / Unsplash

The damning report on the prosecutor behind Brittany Higgins' alleged rape case should shock Australians out of their complacency about our legal system.

It found the ACT chief prosecutor Shane Drumgold deliberately lied to the Supreme Court and engaged in grossly unethical conduct and serious malpractice.

Among the litany of claims against Drumgold is that he denied the defence access to documents that would have assisted their case.

This is different from how our legal system is supposed to operate, yet it is consistent with many anecdotal reports I have heard from people over many years.

It's long been a tenet of law that justice is blind and that we are all equal before the law.

I no longer accept that to be the case.

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