The Hypocrites Emerge

In the rush to smear the Prime Minister, some of the greatest hypocrites in the parliament emerged from their yurts.

The Hypocrites Emerge

Australian politics has been rocked by the rape allegations made by former Coalition staffer Brittany Higgins. I have no reason to doubt the young woman's sincerity, and her account of the events of that evening is distressing.

It doesn't matter if the duo were in the wrong place; no one should awake to find themselves the subject of non-consensual sexual activities. It's wrong and deserves to be called out in the hope that others will not have to endure a similar ordeal.

I do think the government has mishandled the entire affair. A young woman making allegations of this type should have received immediate support to make a police complaint.

My understanding is that a complaint was made to ACT police, but the alleged victim did not proceed with it. That means the police couldn't proceed with an investigation. The suggestion is that some external pressure regarding continuing employment may have played a role in not proceeding.

If this is correct, it is appalling.

However, equally appalling is the political pile-on by a bunch of hypocrites in response to Prime Minister Morrison's comments about the revelations.

Jenny and I spoke last night, and she said to me, ‘You have to think about this as a father first. What would you want to happen if it were our girls?'

On cue, the lefties came out in force to condemn his comment.

Here's Marxist extremist Adam Bandt.

What Bandt ignores, of course, is the facts.

The Prime Minister never suggested that Higgins shouldn't be listened to, believed and supported. That's entirely manufactured by the leader of a political party with a history of gilding the lily.

Instead, Morrison was expressing an entirely reasonable proposition that the response must go outside the purely legal process. Any parent, knowing that their child was hurt in such a manner, would want to see the law followed but also steps taken to prevent it from occurring again. It's a human and entirely valid response.

Unfortunately, some of Morrison's opponents lack much humanity. There is no issue they won't exploit for cheap political gain.

Now, some of what they say may indeed be correct. There is a toxic culture in parliament, principally within the Greens political party.

The galling hypocrisy of this bunch brings bile to your throat.

The parliamentary Greens Party were largely silent while sexual scandal after sexual scandal engulfed their own Party.

A Victorian Green candidate had a side gig rapping about date rape, drugs, and violence towards women. Another 'liked' Facebook pages including "Twinkle, twinkle little slut, name one guy you haven't F*#!ed".

The Party initially 'stood by' both candidates but later stood down Phillips when additional sexual misconduct allegations emerged.

Former NSW Greens MLC Jeremy Buckingham was accused of sexual violence toward a staff member.

A Greens party volunteer says a Party member raped her and was so frustrated with the Green's response that she took to Twitter:

There are many more instances, but these serve as examples of how disingenuous the Greens' political posturing is.

When I spoke of these things in the Senate, the Greens only screamed abuse and vitriol at me. None that I recall apologised for or condemned the behaviour of their members. Instead, they condemned the publication of their own inaction.

These hypocrites are beneath contempt.

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