Weekend Open Forum
Summer is over but the conversation is as fired-up as ever on our open forum!
After a few recent gaffs, including encouraging a culture of spying and dobbing on your friends and family for unapproved thoughts, Peter Dutton nailed it this week.
His proposal to ban people from Gaza from coming to Australia as refugees is an excellent proposal.
It should be extended to people from other parts of the world too.
We've simply got too many existing problems relating to immigration and national security to be adding more to the mix.
The notion that all those who were apparently happy living under the terror regime of Hamas for years are somehow going to make good little Aussies beggars belief.
Some might, but we've had a long and failed experience with dissimilar cultures being a net cost to Australia. Why would we think it will be any different now?
There was a time when immigration was working for us.
That was when new immigrants were expected to integrate and assimilate into our way of life. There was no official indulgence of parallel values or legal systems, and welfare was a help-up rather than a lifestyle.
Now, we have the welfare system effectively supporting multi-member marriages because it is 'cheaper'.
We have generations of people who are virtually unaccountable for the money they receive from the rest of us while giving virtually nothing back.
Let me give you one example of how welfare scams work in some communities.