Deep Disappointment
The UniParty have worked together to further undermine free speech in Australia. But their real agenda is more control.
As chaos unfolds around the world, an oasis emerges, free of government control. It makes sense to have at least some eggs in that basket.
The world faces dark times.
The terror attack in Russia appears to have links to the West. This has prompted Russia to declare a state of war. Whether posturing or not, it's a dangerous escalation.
The Middle-East tensions show no signs of abating and could get worse at any moment.
The financial problems emerging in Japan, the lack of financial liquidity in Europe, and the United States' debt paint a bleak picture.
China is not immune either. The debts attached to their real estate industry are causing internal chaos.
Wherever I look, I see echoes of the 2008 financial crisis - with one exception.