
The sad fact is that paedo chic is everywhere right now. Here's your daily news digest for 30 November 2022.

Photo by Samuel Regan-Asante / Unsplash
Balenciaga and the rise of paedo chic
Adults need to stop dragging kids into their sexual fantasies.


Good on the Nationals | The Spectator Australia
An obsession with race politics is a dangerous direction for any nation to take. Enshrining racial discrimination and supremacy into the Constitution, as Labor Prime Minister Anthony Albanese plans to…
Race has No Place In the Constitution - MP’s Should Follow Nationals Lead
“The decision by the Nationals to oppose the Voice to Parliament in the foreshadowed referendum demonstrates leadership at a time when Canberra and inner-city elites have never been more enthusiastic about dividing Australians by race,” said Morgan Begg, Director of the Legal Rights Program at the I…
FTX collapse sends shockwaves through other Australian businesses
Withdrawals now suspended at the Brisbane-based cryptocurrency exchange Digital Surge for more than a week


Chinese Rise Up Against Lockdowns that Elites Advocated in the US ⋆ Brownstone Institute
Countless people were censored for suggesting we need an inquiry into why elites advised adopting CCP’s ruthlessly totalitarian policy.
NATO Head Calls for Alliance to Step Up Support for Eastern Europe, Ukraine | The Libertarian Institute
The secretary general of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Jens Stoltenberg, called on alliance members to increase their military presence in the region between the Baltic and Black Seas. The civilian head of NATO made the statement ahead of a two-day summit of the member states’ forei…
Moroccans trash Belgian cities after WC victory | Free West Media
Victory turned into a riot on Sunday 27 November, as violence broke out in Brussels after the victory of the Moroccan team against Belgium in the football World Cup. The Atlas Lions won by two goals to nil and thus triumphed over the Belgian team.

Business, Finance & Investment

All of the World’s Money and Markets in One Visualization (2022)
From the wealth held to billionaires to all debt in the global financial system, we look at the vast universe of money and markets in 2022.
Gold SWOT: UBS Identifies Three Structural Reasons in Favor of Gold
Long-term investors and the official sector are gradually building gold allocations. Central banks have been net buyers of gold for more than a decade now, amid a broader trend of ...
Why are landlords divesting their property?
Contrary to predictions of tenancy law shakeups triggering an investor exodus in rental markets, a new study showed that money talks for most landlords when it comes to selling their property.


Non-Binary Nuclear Waste Official Arrested for Stealing Womans Luggage and Clothes - The Last Refuge
Hire weird and sketchy clowns and don’t be surprised when the office turns into a circus. Dept of Energy Nuclear Waste official Sam Brinton made headlines months ago for being an odd duck hired into a senior DoE position. His resume’ included teaching a “Kink 101” workshop at the University of Nebr…
Apple Blackmailed Developers Into Blocking COVID Searches
Apple Blackmailed Developers Into Blocking COVID Searches. By Stephen Green. Apple threatened at least one developer with banishment from the company’s lucrative App Store if they didn’t remove all…
Academic economic theories are damaging in the real world
Recently, the Columbus Dispatch published an op-ed by Musbah Shaheen, a Ph.D. candidate in educational studies from Ohio State. Shaheen classifies as “brainwashing” Ohio’s recent legislative initiative to mandate financial literacy ...

Crypto & Blockchain

Tom Lee Says Bitcoin is Still A good Investment, But Why?
Bitcoin has been declining since the advent of the bear market. But the bearish trend escalated in the past three weeks due to the lending crisis.
Bitcoin Dominates Brand Awareness As Voted By Aussies
An annual report conducted by Independent Reserve on 2000 Australians indicated that Bitcoin is the most well-known cryptocurrency at 90% awareness.
Easy Crypto - The world’s choice for crypto
The world’s favourite place to buy and sell Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Delivery in less than 2 minutes, easiest order process, and we’re open 24/7.


The Question Fools Don’t Ask - The Dennis Prager Show
What would you think of a person who never asked the price of anything he or she bought? You would assume the person was inordinately wealthy. But if the person wasn’t, you would dismiss him as a fool, and you would certainly never ask this person for advice about how to spend your money. Yet, […]

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