A Golden Message
The Gold market is sending us a message that something is wrong with the financial system.
It's time to decide the skills you want to develop in the year ahead and then take action to build them to benefit your health, wealth and happiness.
I know I promised to have a break until next week but I've been itching to wade back in to writing for the Confidential community.
While I'm enjoying my summer sojourn with the family, there's a lot going on that can help kick start our new year.
Of course a new year often leads to some personal promises of improving one's life. Whether that be to lose weight, get fit, break bad habits or make more money.
Many of these resolutions don't last more than a few days for most people before they settle back into the same old habits.
Next year we need to break that self-defeating cycle.
That's why I am pushing for new year skills rather than resolutions.
It's amazing what you can achieve in a single year starting from scratch when you apply yourself.