A Scary Political Promise

The promise of a 'big second term agenda' suggests Australia is headed deeper down the sewer of Socialism.

A Scary Political Promise
Photo by Social Estate / Unsplash

If there are any words that should fill you with dread they should be the Prime Minister's promise to Caucas that there would be "a big second term agenda."

It conjures up three more years of an incompetent government that has been unable to remove itself from the traditional Labor trashing of enterprise and self-reliance.

Rather than liberate people from the shackles of government, the current government have applied more impediments to small business and those who want to have control over their own futures.

The destructive Labor agenda is evident in increased bureaucracy and regulation, meddling with superannuation and a raft of other inane policies.

Perhaps the greatest folly has been their immigration program... or could it be the e-safety commissioner...or the censorship bill...or the Internet licence...

I could go on but here is the real problem, all of those policies mentioned are supported in one way or another by the Coalition.

Sure, they may vote against them in parliament but that's only for political effect.

The ideas behind them are generally supported by the Liberal National Parties who merely want to tinker around the edges to make the policies 'less bad'.

Anyway, back to Labor's big second term agenda, the mind boggles as to what they intend to do.

I reckon their minds are boggling too as none of the specifics surrounding the big plans have been talked about yet.

They'll probably take a leaf our of Kamala Harris' campaign book and promise to fix all the things they will deny being responsible for messing up in the first place.

There'll likely be a new housing plan, a promise to slow immigration, even more handouts and probably some courageous talk about those imaginary submarines.

These new promises will be as trustworthy as the previous ones.

The next election will be a very interesting affair.

I wouldn't have given the Opposition a chance a couple of years back but this government has been so poor that the Dutton team may now have a sniff of victory.

That will depend on the performance of the Teals and various independents, as well as how the Coalition presents itself.

A Coalition victory would be a positive step for the country, even if only because their policy agenda is slightly less bad than the alternative.

Recent history will demonstrate that they tend to do a better policy job in opposition than they do in government.

For the sake of the country, let's hope this time is different.

Thought for the Day

“Life humbles you. As you grow old, you stop chasing the big things and start valuing the little things.

Alone time, enough sleep, a good diet, long walks and quality times with loved ones. Simplicity becomes the ultimate goal.”

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